England - Visit 2011

On the 06.05.2011 my son (Oliver Petrinovic), Aleksandar Tanevski and I (Antun Petrinovic) made our annual visit in England. At first we met our good friend Paul Green (picture1), who also invited us to stay the night at his place. We were very thankful and agreed to stay overnight.

Picture 1: Antun, Paul Green, Aleksandar
Picture 1: Antun, Paul Green, Aleksandar

Afterwards Paul Green went with us to see Tom Dilks, who very friendly welcomed us and took some of his time to talk with us about Hughes-pigeons (picture2).

Picture 2: Aleksandar, Paul Green, Tom Dilks, Antun
Picture 2: Aleksandar, Paul Green, Tom Dilks, Antun

On the way to Paul Bowden we picked up our good friend Jim Johnson, who also accompanied us (picture 3).

Picture 3: Aleksandar, Paul Bowden, Paul Green, Jim Johnson, Antun
Picture 3: Aleksandar, Paul Bowden, Paul Green, Jim Johnson, Antun

After our visit at Paul Bowden’s place, we got Jim Johnson back home and here we were able to have another look at his loft (picture4).

Picture 4: Aleksandar, Paul Green, Jim Johnson, Antun
Picture 4: Aleksandar, Paul Green, Jim Johnson, Antun

At the end of the day Paul’s wife made a tasty dinner and the supplies for our way back home for us. Here we want to hearty thank everybody and especially Paul Green for his hospitality.

With us we brought some pigeons back, among two pairs of Tom Dilks (picture 5), who is the only tippler breader left who got his birds directly from G. Hughes. The named pigeons are in the photo gallery.


Picture 5: Handover of a white Hughes-pigeon
Picture 5: Handover of a white Hughes-pigeon

More pictures are in my photo gallery